SAUNA HEALTH NUT                                                                 

sauna dressed in a towel to burn calories

How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Sauna

When it comes to burning calories, there are a lot of different methods people use. Some people prefer to go for a run; others like to lift weights at the gym. But have you ever considered how many calories you could burn in a sauna? Believe it or not, sitting in a sauna can help you burn hundreds of calories! In this blog post, we will discuss the number of calories burned in a sauna and tips on getting the most out of your sauna session.

What Is The Sauna, And How Does It Work?

The sauna is a small room or house designed to experience dry or wet heat sessions. Saunas can be found in public gyms, health clubs, spas, YMCAs/JCCs, apartments, and even some homes. The heat in a sauna is created by hot rocks or a stove that heats the air around it to 150–200 degrees Fahrenheit (65–93 degrees Celsius). Steam rooms are similar to saunas but use steam instead of dry heat. Infrared saunas are newer versions of the traditional Finnish sauna and use infrared light waves to create heat. 

How many calories you burn in a sauna depends on how long you stay, how often you go, what type of sauna you use, and your own physiology.

Woman wrote "sauna" word on misted window

Since ancient times, people have used saunas to increase circulation, relax their muscles, and cure pain. By making you sweat, the dry heat also aids in the body's detoxification process. Saunas have many other health benefits, including reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and easing respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma.  Although more research is needed to confirm these claims, some evidence is that saunas may also help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

How Does A Sauna Help You Lose Weight?

The sauna can help you lose weight by burning calories and promoting sweat. When you sit in a sauna, your body temperature and heart rate increase. This makes your body work harder and burn more calories.

Sauna also helps promote sweating, which can lead to water weight loss. When you sweat, your body releases fluids and toxins. This can help reduce bloating and water retention. Sweating also helps improve circulation and flush out impurities from the skin.

How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Sauna?

So how many calories do you burn in a sauna? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer as calorie expenditure depends on several factors. However, we can give you a rough idea based on some studies that have been conducted.

One study found that men burned, on average, around 200 calories in 30 minutes in a sauna. This number will be lower for women and smaller people and higher for larger people. Another study found that sitting in a sauna increased heart rate by an average of 130 beats per minute. Based on these findings, it is estimated that someone weighing 160 pounds (72.57 kg) would burn approximately 140 calories in 30 minutes in a sauna.

These numbers are only estimates, however, as calorie expenditure also depends on how hot the sauna is and how long you stay in it. The hotter the sauna and the longer you stay in it, the more calories you burn.

Be Careful While Trying To Lose Weight In The Sauna

For millennia, people have used saunas to unwind and purify their bodies. They have gained popularity more recently due to potential weight loss advantages. While it's true that using a sauna might help you burn calories, you should use caution when trying to slim down there.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you're looking to use a sauna for weight loss:

  • Drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session. This will help replace the fluids you'll lose through sweating.
  • Don't stay in the sauna for too long. Start with shorter sessions and work your way up. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, get out of the sauna and cool down.
  • Don't eat a big meal before or after your sauna session. A light snack is fine, but you don't want to overdo it.
  • Be careful if you have any medical conditions. If you have heart problems, high blood pressure, or are pregnant, talk to your doctor before using a sauna.

Is Water Loss The Same As Weight Loss?

No, losing water weight is not the same as weight loss. When you lose water weight, you are only losing the water that is stored in your body. This can happen if you are sweating a lot or if you are not drinking enough fluids. However, when you lose weight, you are losing both fat and muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so losing weight is good! Sauna burn calories but don't expect it to help you lose a lot of weight.

How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Sauna

Does Sauna Burn Fat Calories?

You may have heard that saunas can help burn calories and promote weight loss. But how true is this? Does sitting in a sauna help you burn fat calories?

Saunas do have the ability to help you burn some extra calories. However, the number of calories burned in a sauna is relatively low compared to other forms of exercise.

For example, one study found that 30 minutes in a sauna can burn about 200-300 calories. In comparison, a half-hour walk can burn around 150-250 calories. And running for 30 minutes can burn anywhere from 400-600 calories.

So while spending time in a sauna won't replace your regular workout routine, it can help you burn a few extra calories.

Final Words

There you have it! Now you know that saunas can help you burn a few calories. But keep in mind that the number of calories burned is relatively low compared to other forms of exercise. So don't ditch your workout routine to spend time in the sauna. Instead, use the sauna as a complement to your regular fitness routine. And if you're looking to lose weight, every little bit helps!