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Infrared Sauna Cancer

Infrared Sauna Cancer: Prevention And Therapy

Cancer is a frightening disease that impacts millions of people every year. While many treatments are available for cancer, including traditional approaches such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, these treatments can be harsh and have unpleasant side effects. Infrared sauna cancer therapy may be a better option for some patients. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros of infrared sauna cancer therapy and how it can help prevent and treat cancer.

What Is Infrared Sauna Cancer?

Infrared sauna cancer therapy is a cancer treatment that uses infrared light to mitigate cancer cells. Infrared light is an invisible type of electromagnetic radiation to the naked eye but can be felt as heat. Its work by emitting infrared waves that penetrate the body and heat it from the inside out.

Infrared Sauna for Cancer

How Does Infrared Sauna Cancer Work?

Infrared saunas work by emitting infrared light waves that penetrate the body, causing it to sweat and detoxify. The infrared light's heat helps kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Studies have shown that regular use of an infrared sauna can reduce the risk of developing cancer by up to 50%.

Does Infrared Heat Kill Cancer Cells?

How does infrared heat kill cancer cells? By creating an environment that is not conducive to their survival. Normal cells can adapt to changes in their environment and survive, but cancer cells cannot.

Cancer cells thrive in anaerobic conditions (conditions without oxygen). When you subject them to infrared heat, they are forced to endure aerobic conditions (conditions with oxygen). This oxidative stress is too much for them to handle, and they eventually die off.

Not only does infrared heat kill cancer cells, but it also helps to prevent future cancers from developing. How does it do this? By stimulating the production of white blood cells and by increasing circulation. Breast cancer tumors, for example, are smaller in women who use infrared saunas regularly.

White blood cells are the body's natural defense against infection and disease. The more of them you have, the better your chances are of fighting off any potential threats to your health.

Increased circulation helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to all body parts, including the cells that make up your immune system. This allows your immune system to function at its best, making it better equipped to fight off infection and disease for cancer patients.

What Are The Benefits Of Infrared Sauna Cancer Therapy?

There are a variety of benefits for infrared sauna cancer therapy. Infrared saunas can help to:

Improved Cardiovascular Fitness

Infrared sauna therapy also has remarkable effects on cardiovascular fitness. In a study of 30 males with coronary artery disease, infrared sauna therapy improved exercise tolerance and decreased markers of subclinical heart failure.

In another study of 25 menopausal women, those who used an infrared sauna three times per week for eight weeks significantly improved their HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides levels.

There is also evidence that infrared sauna therapy can help improve blood pressure levels. In a small study of 20 people with hypertension, those who used an infrared sauna for four weeks significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Oxygenation Of The Blood

One of the essential benefits of infrared sauna therapy is its ability to improve blood circulation and oxygenation.

In a study of 24 people with chronic heart failure, infrared sauna therapy increased levels of Fibrinogen (a protein involved in blood clotting) and Hemoglobin (a protein that carries oxygen).

In another study of 12 people with peripheral artery disease, infrared sauna therapy increased Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) levels. This protein promotes the growth of new blood vessels.

Strengthened Immune System

Infrared sauna therapy can also help strengthen the immune system. In a study of 20 people with chronic fatigue syndrome, those who used an infrared sauna for 30 minutes three times per week for eight weeks significantly improved their symptoms.

Weight Loss and Improved Skin Health

Infrared sauna therapy can also lead to weight loss and improved skin health. In a study of 20 obese individuals, those who used an infrared sauna for 30 minutes three times per week for eight weeks significantly reduced body fat.

Pain Relief

Infrared sauna therapy can also be used for pain relief. In a study of 30 people with fibromyalgia, those who used an infrared sauna for 30 minutes three times per week for eight weeks significantly improved their symptoms.

Improved Quality Of Sleep

Infrared sauna therapy can also improve the quality of sleep. In a study of 20 people with insomnia, those who used an infrared sauna for 30 minutes three times per week for eight weeks significantly improved their sleep quality.

What Are The Risks of Infrared Sauna Therapy?

Infrared sauna therapy is a popular way to relax and detoxify the body, but there are some risks associated with this therapy. Here are three chances of infrared sauna therapy that you should be aware of:

Skin Cancer

Infrared saunas emit electromagnetic radiation, penetrating the skin and damaging DNA. This increases your risk of developing skin cancer.

Skin Care Infrared Sauna


Infrared saunas can cause burns if you stay in the sauna for too long or if the temperature is too high. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid this risk.


Pregnant women should not use infrared saunas because they can raise the core body temperature, which can be dangerous for the developing baby. If pregnant, talk to your doctor before using an infrared sauna.

Despite these risks, infrared sauna therapy can offer many benefits, such as relaxation, improved circulation, and relief from muscle pain.

Is Infrared Sauna Cancer Therapy Right For Me?

If you are considering infrared sauna cancer therapy, you must speak with your doctor to see if this treatment is proper. Infrared sauna cancer therapy is a safe and effective treatment with few side effects. However, it is essential to ensure that this treatment is appropriate for you before starting. Infrared therapy is not for everyone, so consult your doctor. Cancer science is still relatively new, and more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of infrared sauna therapy.

Bottom Line

Infrared sauna cancer therapy is a safe and effective treatment with few side effects. If you are considering this treatment, speak with your doctor to see if it is right for you. Infrared sauna cancer therapy may be a better option for some patients. In this blog post, we discussed the benefits of infrared sauna cancer therapy and how it can help prevent and treat cancer. We also discussed the side effects of infrared sauna cancer therapy and how to determine if this treatment is proper for you. Thanks for reading!

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