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What to wear in a sauna

What To Wear In A Sauna

When it comes to saunas, most people don't know what to wear for maximum comfort and health reasons. The sauna experience can be enhanced by what you wear. Do you need a swimsuit? Or sauna suit? What about a towel? What about the fabric? Or nothing at all like the Finnish do? In this blog post, we will discuss the proper attire for a sauna and provide tips on making the most of your experience!

What's The Best Way To Dress For A Sauna?

Before take a sauna session, you must know what to wear in the public or private sauna. The first rule of sauna etiquette is to wear the right workout clothes. Most people opt for a bathing suit, but if you're not comfortable wearing one, you can also wear a towel or sarong. It's essential that whatever you wear is loose-fitting and breathable, so you don't get too hot. You should also avoid wearing jewelry, as it can boil in the sauna and potentially cause burns.

What To Wear In A Sauna

Bring A Towel

Saunas are traditionally enjoyed naked, but if you're not comfortable with sauna naked, bring just a towel to sit on. Make sure the towel is big enough to cover your entire body. You don't want to sit on a small towel and have your bare skin touching the hot wood benches.

Sauna Etiquette

There are a few other things to keep in mind regarding sauna etiquette. First, it's important to shower before entering the sauna, as this will help you stay clean and comfortable. Second, drink plenty of fluids before and after your sauna sessions, as you will sweat a lot and need to replenish your body's fluids. Finally, respect the other people in the sauna by keeping noise to a minimum and avoiding solid scents.

Something Made Of Cotton

While you can technically wear anything made of breathable fabric, most people prefer to wear something made of cotton. This natural material is lightweight and absorbent, making it ideal for a sauna. It can help keep bateria away from the skin when sitting . Plus, it's comfortable and won't make you feel too hot.

A Loose-Fitting Swimsuit

If you're not comfortable wearing a towel or sarong, another option is to wear a loose-fitting swimsuit. This will provide some coverage while still allowing your skin to breathe. Just be sure to avoid wearing anything too tight or constricting, as this can make you feel uncomfortable in the heat.

Loofah Or Exfoliating Sponge

If you want to exfoliate your skin while in the sauna, you can bring a loofah or exfoliating sponge. This will help remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling refreshed. Just be sure to avoid using anything too abrasive, as this can irritate you.


Never wear shoes in the sauna! This is a major no-no, as it can be hazardous. Shoes can insulate your feet and make it difficult for them to cool down, leading to burns. Instead, go barefoot or wear sandals that allow your feet to breathe. However, you can wear flip-flops or slippers.

What Should I Not Wear In The Infrared Sauna?

We're often asked what the best way to dress is for an infrared sauna session. The answer depends on how comfortable you want to be. If you plan on sweating a lot, we recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing that will allow your skin to breathe. This could be a tank top, shorts, or bathing suit. However, wearing layers is perfectly fine if you're just looking to relax and don't mind being a little warmer.

Women wearing sauna clothes

What To Avoid In A Sauna

Saunas are a great way to relax, but there are a few things you should avoid wearing to make the most of your experience. Here are four tips on what not to wear in a sauna:

  1. Avoid wearing anything made of synthetic materials. Synthetic materials, like nylon and polyester, don't breathe well and will make you feel uncomfortable in the heat.
  2. Don't wear anything too loose or flowing. You don't want your clothes to get caught on anything or start to sag in the heat. Tight-fitting clothes are also bad, as they can restrict your circulation. Don't wear anything too heavy. Heavy materials, like denim, will make you feel hot and weighed down.
  3. Avoid wearing jewelry. Jewelry can get hot in the sauna and even burn you.
  4. Make sure you're not wearing any makeup. Makeup will melt in the sauna and clog your pores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Wear Clothes In An Infrared Sauna?

The short answer is yes; you can wear clothes in an infrared sauna. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the fabric of your clothing should be breathable and loose-fitting. This will allow your skin to absorb the infrared rays and prevent you from overheating fully. Second, avoid wearing synthetic fabrics such as nylon or polyester. These materials will not allow your skin to breathe and can make you sweat more!

Should You Wear A Bathing Suit In A Sauna?

It's up to you! If you're comfortable wearing a bathing suit, then go for it. However, if you'd prefer to wear something else, that's perfectly fine too. Just make sure that whatever you choose is loose-fitting and breathable.

Can I Wear Gym Clothes In Sauna?

Gym clothes are usually made of synthetic materials that don't breathe well, so we recommend avoiding them if possible. If you choose to wear gym sauna etiquette, make sure they're loose-fitting and take them off as soon as you feel too hot. A sweaty gym clothes sauna session is not a pleasant experience!

Final Thoughts

Now that you know what to wear to a sauna, it's time to enjoy your experience! Just remember to stay hydrated, take breaks if you start to feel too hot, and exfoliate your skin afterward. Don't wear dirty clothes into the sauna hot steam, as this can be a breeding ground for bacteria. And most importantly, relax and enjoy!

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