SAUNA HEALTH NUT                                                                 

older man finding relief in infrared sauna for his back pain

How Does an Infrared Sauna Help Back Pain?

Chronic back pain is a common problem for many Americans regardless of whether or not they’re athletes. Office workers who sit for prolonged periods often struggle with back pain, especially in the lower area. Anyone who engages in routine physical movements or exercises may also deal with back pain from overuse and other injuries. The worst part is that back pain is often intense and tough to where people require medications to keep it in check.

Back pain is frustrating, but an infrared sauna can help alleviate your pain. You will love how well an infrared sauna can help reduce your back pain without resorting to pain pills. The benefits of using an infrared sauna for back pain are worth exploring.

Improved Blood Flow

So, how does an infrared sauna work? An infrared sauna uses radiated infrared heat that moves directly from the source to your body without heating the air between you and the heat source. Infrared heat uses the humidity in a room to make it easier for heat to travel around.

The heat will help loosen your muscles while the blood vessels around the lumbar spine start to dilate. Blood flow will improve in the area, plus oxygen and nutrients can move through the bloodstream without much obstruction.

Your damaged back tissues will start to heal, plus pain signals that enter your brain will become less intense. The improved circulation helps reduce pressure around the area, keeping those pain signals from starting or otherwise becoming as strong as usual. You will feel less back pain thanks to how well the infrared sauna will work.

Penetrates the Skin Well

Infrared heat can easily penetrate your skin and improve how well it opens blood vessels. Infrared rays can penetrate up to three inches of skin, helping it reach blood vessels. The heat also raises your body temperature, helping you to relax without feeling any irritation.

You can use an infrared sauna for about 15 to 30 minutes on average. The infrared rays will consistently move through your body and provide the relief you deserve.

Improve Your Quality of Sleep

One impressive benefit of an infrared sauna entails how you’ll have an easier time getting to sleep after relaxing in a sauna. An infrared sauna can raise your body temperature, making it easier for you to get to sleep after a while.

Your body will work extra hard to cool itself off after you leave the sauna. The sudden decrease in temperature will trigger sleep, especially as the muscles and deep tissues start to relax. Your body’s response helps improve how well you can sleep because it keeps your body from feeling as many sensations from outside, keeping you calm and comfortable.

This quality is necessary for people with back pain. Since it is easier to get to sleep, you will not become distracted by pain signals. You won’t feel a sudden need to move in your bed while sleeping, ensuring your back won’t become more stressed while asleep.

A Final Word on Infrared Saunas

The ways how an infrared sauna works are essential to helping you understand how it can relieve back pain. The unique heat source will relax your body and penetrate deep into the skin to soothe its tissues and blood vessels. You’ll also have an easier time sleeping after using a sauna.

The best part of using an infrared sauna is that it provides great back pain relief without requiring medication. Anyone who’s tired of taking pills to stop their pains or doesn’t want to take pills should see how well an infrared sauna can work for them.


How hot is an infrared sauna?

An infrared sauna is about 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 49 to 60 degrees Celsius. The temperature is about 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit less than what you’d get in a traditional sauna, but the infrared heat does a better job penetrating your body.

How often should you use an infrared sauna for back pain?

You can use an infrared sauna about one to three times a week on average. Limit your sessions to 15 to 30 minutes each to keep from overheating.

Are there any specific people who should avoid using an infrared sauna for back pain?

Pregnant women, anyone who has a pacemaker, or any person with an inability to swear should avoid using an infrared sauna, as the heat may be too intense for those persons.

Will you feel comfortable while in an infrared sauna?

While you will start sweating and noticing a higher heart rate after a bit of time in an infrared sauna, you will still feel comfortable. The infrared heat isn’t as intense as traditional sauna heat, so you should feel safe even when you start sweating.