SAUNA HEALTH NUT                                                                 

What to wear in a sauna

How Often Should You Use A Sauna

When it comes to using a sauna, there are a variety of different opinions on how often is the best frequency. Some say you should use a sauna daily, while others recommend only using it once or twice a week. Others say 4-7x per week if you can do to increase your healthspan and reduction in all-cause mortality. So, what's the correct answer for you? Well, it depends on your individual needs, free time and objectives. This article will discuss the potential health benefits of using a sauna and how often you should use one to achieve them.

How Often Can I Use A Sauna?

Like most people, you probably don't use a sauna every day. You might only use it once a week or even less, such as only when staying at a resort on vacation. But how often should you be using a sauna?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including your goals for using the sauna and your overall health. If you're healthy and just looking to relax or detoxify your body, you can probably get away with using the sauna once or twice a week for general well-being. However, if you have specific health desires, such as improving circulation, lowering your blood pressure, improving mental state, skin health reasons or relieving pain, you may need to use the sauna more frequently.

Based off studies conducted, the more frequent you use a sauna (e.g., 1-2x vs 4-7x) the greater reduction in life-threating strokes and heart attacks.

For a quick breakdown on health improvements through more frequent sauna use and duration time, listen to Dr. Rhonda Patrick below.

Of course, always check with your doctor before using a sauna, especially if you have any health concerns, such as high-blood pressure. And when in doubt, error on caution and use the sauna less often rather than more. Too much heat can be dangerous for your health if not monitored properly.

How Often Should You Use A Sauna

How Often To Use The Traditional Sauna?

The traditional sauna has been used throughout history and across the world for relaxation, detoxification, and even socializing. While many different types of saunas are available on the market today, the traditional sauna is still one of the most popular choices and widely available.

So, how often should you use a traditional sauna? The answer may vary depending on who you ask, but, in general, it is recommended that you use a sauna at least once a week. You may want to increase your frequency to two or three times per week to improve your health or detoxify your body. Many experienced sauna traditionalists use the sauna daily, but this may not be necessary for everyone.

How Often To Use The Infrared Sauna?

You're probably wondering how often you should use the infrared sauna. The frequency of your sauna sessions will depend on several factors, including your health goals and schedule.

That said, most people who use infrared saunas do so three to four times per week. This frequency allows you to enjoy the more significant health benefits of the sauna without overdoing it, as the heat is less extreme than a traditional sauna. If you're starting, you may want to use the sauna once or twice a week to build up better tolerance and increase your frequency as you get used to it.

Does Sauna Type Affect How Often You Should Go?

There are two types of saunas- dry and wet. How often you should use a sauna depends on your kind. If you have a dry sauna, you can use it daily. However, if you have a wet sauna, you should only use it three times a week.

How long should you stay in the sauna? The time you visit the sauna also affects how often you should go. If you only stay in for a short period, then you can increase the frequency with which you use it. However, if you stay in for an extended period, you need to give your body a chance to recover and shouldn't use it as often.

If you're using a sauna for weight loss, you should use it more frequently. However, if you're using a sauna for relaxation, you can use it less often, such after a hard work week. Finding a balance that works for you is what matters. This might take some trial and error to understand your body better.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Using A Sauna?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some general guidelines you can follow. Generally, using a sauna several times a week is safe. However, if you are a beginning sauna user, starting slowly and increasing your frequency gradually over time is best.

Here are some of the significant health benefits of using a sauna:

  • Saunas can help improve circulation and increase blood flow.
  • Saunas can help to detoxify the body by sweating out environmental toxins.
  • Saunas can help relieve muscle pain and tension.
  • Saunas can improve skin health by increasing collagen production
  • Saunas can help those with eczema & psoriasis skin inflammation issues.
  • Saunas can boost your immune system by activating heat shock proteins.
  • Saunas can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  • Saunas can help reduce anxiety and depression levels.
  • Saunas provide a mild cardio workout to improve heart health.
  • Saunas can reduce your chances of having a stroke.
  • Saunas can lower your risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Saunas can help you maintain muscle mass, especially if sidelined due to injury.
A woman using sauna to get potential benefits

What Are The Risks Associated With Overuse Of A Sauna?

If you use a sauna too frequently, you may risk your health if your sessions are too intense. Here are a few risks associated with the overuse of a sauna:


When you sweat, your body loses fluids and electrolytes. If you don't replace these lost fluids, you can become dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, and dizziness.

Electrolyte Imbalance

When your body loses electrolytes through sweating, it can cause an electrolyte imbalance. This can lead to muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, and seizures.

Heat exhaustion

Spending too much time in a sauna session can cause your body to overheat. This can lead to symptoms like nausea, lightheadedness, and fainting. Heat exhaustion can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

Heat stroke

Spending too much time in a sauna can also cause your body temperature to rise to dangerous levels. This is called heat stroke, and it can be fatal. Frequent sauna use can also put you at risk for other health problems, such as burns, heart problems, and kidney stones.

Skin damage

The heat from a sauna can dry out your skin and make it more susceptible to irritation and infection. It can also cause premature aging of the skin.

How Long Do You Have To Sit In A Sauna To Detox Your Body?

To detox your body, you should sit in a sauna for at least 15 minutes. However, if you have the time, you should sit in the sauna for 30 minutes to an hour to get the most benefit. If you wear a sauna suit, you will amplify your progress in sweating out any impurities.

It would help if you used a sauna once a week to detox your body. If you want to improve your health, you can use a sauna more often.

Final Words

Frequent sauna users often report feeling relaxed and rejuvenated after spending time in a sauna. If done before bedtime, you might have a more restful sleep. If you're looking for a way to improve your overall health, using a sauna is a great option, especially if you are immobile due to an injury. However, it's important to use caution and not overdo it. When used in moderation, saunas are safe and offer many health benefits. How often you use a sauna is up to you and should be based on your individual needs. Just remember to seek prior medical advise before starting on this sauna journey.

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