SAUNA HEALTH NUT                                                                 

men siting in infrared sauna for relief of rheumatoid arthritis

Benefits of Infrared Sauna For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is one of the hardest physical conditions anyone could experience. The condition is a painful issue that entails the immune system attacking healthy cells in your body, triggering inflammation. This problem can occur in various joints around your body, and it’s often hard to predict what will happen next.

RA can make it harder for you to manage many physical activities. The pains can become consistent throughout the day and even appear as you are asleep. You might struggle to get a good night’s sleep or get through your daily routine if you have constant pain.

But RA doesn’t have to be a problem you have to struggle with each day. You can use an infrared sauna to help ease RA discomfort and experience an improvement in pain and stiffness.

Improve Cellular Health

The first reason why infrared sauna use is necessary for rheumatoid arthritis relief involves how infrared heat can restore your body’s natural cellular production. Infrared heat can penetrate deeper tissues in your body, including many tendons and muscle fibers that might become tense or worn from RA.

The heat will trigger the production of white blood cells necessary for restoring a healthy immune system. Your improved immune system will be less likely to attack healthy cells, thus preventing inflammation from becoming worse.

Detoxify the Body

Another benefit of an infrared sauna is how it can help detoxify your body. Detoxification is necessary for allowing your immune system to target the right tissues. Your body’s biochemical processes will become more accurate and efficient through detoxification.

Your body will detoxify itself through the sweating you produce while in the sauna. Your sweating will help remove free radicals and other toxins that are hurting your body. It is easier for your immune system to function when its cells are healthy, and the production of new cells will be critical for getting there.

Improved Circulation

You’ll also feel improved blood circulation when you use an infrared sauna. Your blood flow will increase at a rate similar to what you’d experience during exercise. This benefit is essential for RA patients who might struggle to move certain joints and parts.

Infrared heat can boost circulation by dilating the blood vessels. The improved circulation allows blood to flow well and carry oxygen and nutrients to more spaces around the body. Your joints and muscles will require this additional support to stay healthy.

Amazing Pain Relief

The best part of using an infrared sauna for RA comes from the pain relief you will feel. You won’t have to rely on medications to keep your pain under control. Instead, you can relax in an infrared sauna a few times a week to reduce your pain.

The infrared heat will loosen tendons in your body, keeping them from feeling too tense. The effort improves your range of motion and allows your tendons to naturally heal, reducing the pain you might feel. You will become more physically active, helping you to naturally restore how your body works.

The infrared heat will directly contact your muscles and target the source of the pain. This feature makes it different from pain medications, as those medicines will only target pain signals. While pain pills can keep you from feeling pain, their effects are only temporary and might trigger unwanted side effects.


Infrared heat is necessary for reducing the intensity of rheumatoid arthritis. The heat will enter deep into your body and reduce tension while also improving how well your immune system works.

You can get access to the infrared heat needed to reduce RA through an infrared sauna. A sauna will safely and quickly provide relief and keep your RA under control. You will appreciate the short-term pain relief, and you will especially enjoy the long-term improvement of RA symptoms.


Is an infrared sauna good for inflammation?

The infrared heat from a sauna will restore circulation to injured tissues, improving oxygen flow while helping the body collect further nutrients. The heat also reduces oxidative stress.

Do infrared saunas help reduce inflammation for those with RA?

An infrared sauna can restore your immune system by producing healthy white blood cells. The restored immune system will be less likely to attack healthy tissues, therefore keeping RA from being a substantial threat.

Is an infrared sauna the best sauna for those with RA when compared with a wet sauna?

Infrared saunas are easier for the body to tolerate because the temperature is slightly lower than what you’d feel in a wet sauna. The infrared sauna also uses gentle infrared heat to increase your core body temperature, creating a more comfortable and controlled sweat. This point differs from a wet sauna, as that type produces hot air that triggers sweat.

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